On April, 30th Marie Maud Gerard from Geres participated to an insightful e-workshop on Energy poverty and Energy transition with CIFE- a private institution of higher education.
During this time, Marie Maud presented a unit named « How to involve energy poor households to make the energy transition more inclusive ? The example of the Mediterranean countries in Europe and the EmpowerMed projet. » She shown UE energy poverty key figures and explained how summer heat impacts low income households in higher proportions. Moreover, Marie Maud highlighted concretes consequences of energy poverty and gave some solutions to involve poor households on energy transition. Then, she presented the EmpowerMed project and ended her presentation with a Q&A session.
This e-workshop was very useful and permitted to underlign the necessity of tackling energy poverty to suceed in energy transition. Indeed, this session was with the participation of CIFE’s students who are potentials future decision-makers.