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Material category: Pilot areas toolbox

Municipality of Vlora (Albania)

Published on: November 12, 2020

  1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT The Municipality of Vlora consists of 5 administrative units (Vlora, Orikum, Qendër, Novoselë and Shushicë) with a total population of 202,000 inhabitants including Greek, Roma and Egyptian minorities. Local data indicate that only 64% of the households of the area pay their energy bills regularly and that the average… Read More »Municipality of Vlora (Albania)

Zadar County (Croatia)

Published on: November 12, 2020

  1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT The Zadar County is located in the central part of the Croatian Adriatic coast and has a population of 170,000 inhabitants, of which 60% live in six urban centres including the city of  Zadar. The primary target groups in the Croatian pilot site of EmpowerMed are households with a… Read More »Zadar County (Croatia)

Primorska region (Slovenia)

Published on: November 12, 2020

1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT The Primorska region comprises 4 municipalities that line up the Mediterranean coast of Slovenia (Koper, Izola, Ankaran and Piran) with a total population of 88,000 inhabitants. Despite being one of the most economically dynamic regions of Slovenia, many people depend on precarious, poorly paid jobs (e.g., harbours and tourism industry… Read More »Primorska region (Slovenia)

Padova (Italy)

Published on: November 12, 2020

1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT Padova is a city in the North-East of Italy (Veneto Region) with a population of 210,000 inhabitants. The city has an increasing number of single-person elderly households and single-parent families, of which many are headed by women. The assessment of local energy poverty conditions found the following typologies of vulnerable… Read More »Padova (Italy)

Marseille (France)

Published on: November 12, 2020

1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT Marseille is located in Provence- Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Bouches du Rhône within the Aix Marseille Provence Metropolitan area which counts 1,9 million inhabitants. On the territory, more than 70,000 households are vulnerables to energy poverty. Part of the existing housing stock is in a state of disrepair, often housing the poorest… Read More »Marseille (France)

Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Catalonia, Spain)

Published on: November 12, 2020

1- LOCAL PILOT SITE ASSESSMENT The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) is a dense, unequal urban region with 36 municipalities (including the city of Barcelona) and over 3.2 million inhabitants. In 2016 over 100,000 people living in the AMB reported energy and water poverty conditions with around 10% of the City of Barcelona’s population unable… Read More »Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Catalonia, Spain)