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SAVE THE DATE : 19 May 2022 at 5 PM – Webinar series about energy poverty

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Empowermed thanks the University of trieste for the invitation to this on-line lecture about Energy Poverty in South-Eastern & Mediterranean Europe. This webinar will outline three dimensions: gender, health and summertime energy poverty. Held by Lidija Živčič, the coordinator of EmpowerMed project. Some details in… Read More »SAVE THE DATE : 19 May 2022 at 5 PM – Webinar series about energy poverty

Energy poverty in Europe & Germany: diagnosis about policies & legislative frameworks, advocacy about gender & inclusion

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For many, the start of this year’s winter comes along with unease and concerns. An estimated 50 million households in Europe do not have adequate access to essential energy services and goods. With steadily rising energy costs and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many more vulnerable… Read More »Energy poverty in Europe & Germany: diagnosis about policies & legislative frameworks, advocacy about gender & inclusion

Webinar: Photovoltaic solutions to tackle energy poverty in the Mediterranean with a gender perspective

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EmpowerMed partners organise a webinar on Thursday 17 February at 14:00 CET for local actors on how to work with communities affected by energy poverty, especially women, for deploying simple photovoltaic (PV) concepts to tackle problems with access to energy. The content will mix information,… Read More »Webinar: Photovoltaic solutions to tackle energy poverty in the Mediterranean with a gender perspective

Vote for Monica Guiteras Blaya for the sustainable Energy Awards 2021 – Woman in Energy

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EmpowerMed team is proud to announce that our colleague, Mὸnica Guiteras Blaya from Enginyeria Sense Fronteres, ESF (Engineers without borders Catalonia), is one of three finalists shortlisted for the EU Sustainable Energy Awards 2021 in the Woman in Energy category! The award recognises outstanding activities… Read More »Vote for Monica Guiteras Blaya for the sustainable Energy Awards 2021 – Woman in Energy

Tackling Energy Poverty through Collective Advisory Assemblies and Electricity and Comfort Monitoring Campaigns

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The present work aims to describe and analyze the results of the interventions carried out in the Barcelona pilot site of the EmpowerMed project. The overall objective of EmpowerMed is to tackle energy poverty and to help improve the health of people in coastal areas… Read More »Tackling Energy Poverty through Collective Advisory Assemblies and Electricity and Comfort Monitoring Campaigns