Collective Assemblies Module & Powerpoint (En- Alb- Cro)
- Collective Assemblies Module
This training manual provides trainees with knowledge on how Collective Assemblies can serve to tackle energy poverty from an empowerment perspective. The materials give content on how this tool was born (context and legal framework), how to identify needs for a higher engagement of the participants, how it’s methodology, procedures and structure work (roles, common cases, organisation, etc), what are its results (limitations/challenges vs. strengths/opportunities, and how communication with affected people taking part in the assemblies can be better addressed.
- Collective Assemblies Powerpoint
This training presentation is a tool to support the delivery of topics, covered in the Collective Assemblies training module. It helps to train participants on what is the origin, preparation, methodology and communication of Collective Assemblies, so that they can become a tool to address energy poverty.
Collective Assemblies Module and Powerpoint (English)
Mbledhjet Kolektive Modul Trajnimi (Albanian)
Obuka o provođenju javnih rasprava s građanima (Croatian)