Communication Module and Powerpoint (En- Alb- Cat- Cro- Fr)
- Communication module
This training manual gives insight into how to communicate with households, affected by energy poverty. Apart from helping to grasp the general principles of communication it helps to deal with different environments and improve skills on communication with different (vulnerable) target groups.
- Approaching and communicating with households affected by energy poverty (Powerpoint)
This training presentation is a tool to support the delivery of topics, covered in the communication training module, to the participants of the training. It helps to train participants on how to communicate with households, affected by energy poverty.
Communication module and training powerpoint (English)
Komunikimi - Modul trajnimi (Albanian)
Acostament i comunicació amb famílies afectades per pobresa energètica - Mòdul formatiu (Catalan)
Pristup i komunikacija s kućanstvima koja su pogođena energetskim siromaštvom (Croatian)
Prendre contact et communiquer avec les ménages touchés par la précarité énergétique (French)