Energy poverty module & PowerPoint (En- Alb- Cat- Cro- Fr- Slo)
- Energy poverty Module
This training manual provides trainees with knowledge on what is energy poverty, what are its causes and consequences. It gives insight into how to detect energy poverty situation and what are the problems that people, living in energy poverty face.
- Energy poverty PowerPoint
This training presentation is a tool to support the delivery of topics, covered in the energy poverty training module. It helps to train participants on what is energy poverty, what are its causes and consequences and how to detect it.
Energy poverty Module and Powerpoint (English)
Varfëria Energjitike : Modul trajnimi (Albanian)
Pobresa energetica Modul formatiu (Catalan)
Energetsko siromaštvo Trening modul (Croatian)
Précarité énergétique module de formation (French)
Energetska revščina Modul za usposabljanje (Slovenian)