Household visits module & powerpoint (En- Alb- Cro- Fr- Ita)
- Household visits module
This training material is meant to train energy advisors for performing simple energy audits in the homes, affected by energy poverty. It introduces basic concepts of buildings and energy and water use in them. It helps to learn to perform simple energy and water consumption calculations.
- Household visits powerpoint
This training presentation is a tool to support the delivery of topics, covered in the household visits training module. It helps to train energy advisors for performing simple energy audits in the homes, affected by energy poverty. It introduces basic concepts of buildings and energy and water use in them.
Household visits module & powerpoint (English)
Vizitat në shtëpi - modul trajnimi (Albanian)
Les visites à domicile - powerpoint de formation (French)
Le visite domiciliari (Italian)