Report on gender aspects of existing financial schemes for energy poverty measures
Today, women are more likely to face poverty and hence, more affected by energy poverty. Therefore, it becomes clear that gender inequality increases the risk of energy poverty. Although EU institutions acknowledge the need to reduce energy poverty by organising financial support programmes, this report finds that considerations of gender dimensions within the evaluated programmes are not included. That is why this report introduces requirements to plan and implement new energy support programs in a gender-just way and to add gender-transformative tools and mechanisms into existing programs, such as gender needs assessments, women’s empowerment and target group-specific communication. Existing gender tools help social planners and further stakeholders to incorporate energy dimensions into their work, and energy planners to detect gender and poverty aspects. However, there is a clear need to develop tools specifically targeted at the energy sector. To increase awareness on the gender-energy-poverty-nexus, more gender specific data must be collected.
WECF publication.
Report on gender aspects of existing financial schemes for energy poverty measures (En)